What is MergeClip?
MergeClip is a macOS tool that quickly combines the contents of multiple text files and copies them to the Mac clipboard, designed to make file sharing with AI chatbots a piece of cake!
Beary Good Features
- Merges multiple text files with a bear hug
- Keeps binary files out of the picnic basket
- Speaks many languages (based on file extensions)
- Works as a Quick Action or from the command line
- Lets you know how many files it cuddled in Finder
How to Invite MergeClip to Your Mac
Quick Action Installation
- Download MergeClip
- Unzip and open it
- Follow the friendly installation guide
How to Play with MergeClip
As a Quick Action
- Choose your files or folders in Finder
- Right-click and select "Quick Actions > MergeClip"
- Watch as MergeClip hugs your content onto the clipboard
- A cute dialog will tell you how many files got cuddles
MergeClip's Cozy Output Format
Filename1.ext ```ext File1 content (wrapped in a warm embrace) ``` Filename2.py ```py File2 content (snuggled with care) ```
Use Cases
Have AI explain the contents of a source folder:
Process a folder containing source code with MergeClip, paste the result into an AI chat, and efficiently get an explanation of the entire codebase.
Translate or analyze the contents of multiple files at once:
Use MergeClip to compile files, then ask AI to translate or analyze them all together.